| by Abe Kesson | No comments

Bitcoin Deals As Per the Perfect Options for Your Choices

Do not keep bitcoins in an online trading portfolio if you have one just in case an opportunity arises. Transfer the amount you need when you need it. Before you disconnect, transfer your bitcoins back to your secure wallet. In this way, you do not have to worry about being robbed and you are constantly in control of your bitcoins. You can make use of the Bitcoin Key Technical Levels also.

Do not use an exchange portfolio as the main portfolio

It is essential that you keep your bitcoins safe as much as possible while making sure that their use is simple and convenient. Nothing prevents you from having an exchange portfolio but never leave bitcoins in when you are not active on the site.

Consider using a more secure portfolio such as an online third-party portfolio, which offers you better protection than an exchange portfolio. They are not perfect and also present dangers, but it is a safer option.

Read the comments online

Use the internet and read reviews or comments from previous users. You can get valuable information that you would not have seen otherwise. They can also give you a good idea of ​​the reputation of the site. If possible, read between 6 and 10 comments, or more, if there are others. Analyze positive comments and criticisms or complaints and try to capture the tone of comments. Are there a lot of glowing reviews? Are there a lot of comments on serious issues like missing chips or hackers?

Before you start buying bitcoins or a wallet, check out resources explaining how Bitcoin works and how important it is.

Get a Bitcoin Wallet

Once you have a better idea of ​​why you want to use bitcoins, choosing your wallet will be easier. Indeed, different portfolios have different types of use. Guide to portfolios will help you find the one that best fits your needs. For short, here are the portfolios we recommend:

  • Ledger Nano X – A hardware wallet: your bitcoins are securely stored offline.
  • breadwallet – An easy-to-use Bitcoin wallet for iOS and Android.
  • Electrum -A simple portfolio, compatible with all operating systems of desktop computers.
  • GreenAddress – A web wallet: so you can use it from any device with an internet browser.

How to buy bitcoins

Now that you have a wallet and understand a bit better how to use Bitcoin, it’s time to buy some. In order to buy bitcoins, you can use the following exchange scholarships:

  • Coinbase – A good option to buy bitcoins with a credit card in the US, Europe, Canada and Singapore.
  • CoinMama – You can use CoinMama to buy bitcoins with a credit or debit card from almost any country.
  • LocalBitcoins – LocalBitcoins allows you to easily find people selling bitcoins in your area. Once you find a seller, you can agree on the means of payment and then proceed to the exchange.

Learn more about Bitcoin

Before you start buying bitcoins or a wallet, check out resources explaining how Bitcoin works and how important it is. Bitcoin.org is great place to learn a lot about how Bitcoin works and how to use it to your advantage.

Get a Bitcoin Wallet

Once you have a better idea of ​​why you want to use bitcoins, choosing your wallet will be easier. Indeed, different portfolios have different types of use.